Tuesday, August 5, 2008

selfish and rude.

I'm annoyed that in the last few days half of my bag of rice, 2 of my vegetarian hot dogs, and some of my green Naked juice has gone "missing".

I hate that all of a sudden, there is more than just me, Monica, and Amy living there and now shit is missing so I know it's not likely to be either of those two. I've noticed stuff disappear before, I thought... but now it's just careless therefore obvious. I notice when I buy brand new things and oh look, I don't have as much of it any more. Like 9 veggie dogs and I have 8 buns so I know I'll have a leftover bun, right? Oh huh. Now I know I ate 2 dogs/buns and now I have5 veggies dogs left and 4 buns. Fancy that.

That green juice is 9 dollars for the larger bottle and those hot dogs were 4 so when piece by piece, my food it being sneakily eaten without anyone even having the consideration to ask me or leave a note on it, it's really pissing me off. My name is on my fucking shit for a reason. And even if it's not, you know you didn't buy it, don't steal it!

Really, whoever it is can obviously pay 470 a month in rent otherwise she'd be evicted, so I'm sure she can buy some god damned groceries instead of mooching off housemates.


the end of my rant post.

1 comment:

Lover Applewhite said...

It's not me. I'm not down with veggie dogs. I think someone took my avocado though.